Ultimate Guide: Laser Hair Removal For Women | Healthy Solutions Healthy Solutions Medspa Call Now

The Ultimate Guide to Laser Hair Removal for Women 2024

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laser hair removal women 2024
Are you a laser hair removal newbie? No problem, we’ve got you covered! We are answering the most frequently asked questions asked by women we see about laser hair removal to make sure you are comfortable when scheduling your appointment!

Table of Contents

Why Do Women Love Laser Hair Removal?

Women choose laser hair removal over many other options like shaving and waxing for various reasons. Some of the popular reasons why women choose laser hair removal include:

1. Convenience: This option is a semi-permanent solution compared to waxing or shaving.

2. Smooth Skin: The appreciation for your skin after a nice laser hair removal session is one that definitely needs to be mentioned! Your skin is not only soft, but the regrowth of hair is much finer.

3. Time: No one likes to spend their time shaving or waxing, especially larger surface areas of the body. Laser hair removal can save you time in the long run compared to daily or weekly hair removal routines.

4. Reduced Ingrown Hairs: Let’s be honest… no one likes ingrown hairs. They’re painful and they’re ugly! Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal can help minimize ingrown hairs. 

5. Cosmetic Preferences: Some individuals prefer aesthetics of hair-free areas on the body.

6. Self-Confidence: It’s easy to say that we all want to be the most confident versions of ourselves. Some women may choose laser hair removal knowing that soon the hair they grow back will be minimal. 

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How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works in several steps.

First, the laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the melanin (Aka pigment) in the hair follicles. This gives the hair on our bodies it’s color. 

Next, the absorbed light energy is then converted into heat. Heat is able to damage the bulb and the bulge of the hair follicles and doesn’t harm any surrounding skin.

The heat disrupts the hair follicle’s ability to regrow hair. Depending on the situation and how many treatments you receive, this leads to a reduction of the hair growth.

Laser hair removal systems like the ones we have in both of our offices are designed to target the pigment or melanin in the hair while not harming any skin surrounding it. Certain wavelengths of light are absorbed predominately by the hair, allowing no damage to the skin. 

Who is a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

There are a few factors that go into play when deciding who is a candidate for laser hair removal. 

Normally, it is suitable for many individuals, but there are some characteristics that may make you unable.

1. Hair and Skin Color: If you have dark hair and light skin, you’re in. 

This is because lasers target the melanin in the hair, and the greater the contrast of the hair and skin color, the more effective treatment will be. 

2. Hair Thickness: In addition to hair being dark, having more coarse hair is another factor in getting great results. 

3. Health Status: Certain medical conditions as well as medications may contradict laser hair removal treatments. Let your laser hair removal technician know if you are on any medications or have any medical conditions. 

4. Age: Most clients need to have reached puberty and have a stable hair growth for the treatment to be effective and most facilities require the patient to be at least 16 years old and have a signed parental consent if younger than 18 years old. 

5. No Sun Exposure: This goes for any treatment using a laser, but patients should steer clear of the sun or tanning beds before and after treatment. Sun exposure can increase the risk of complications and reduce effectiveness of the treatment. 

painless laser hair removal Doylestown, PA

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

People have different feelings toward laser hair removal, depending on the machine used, their pain tolerance, if any topical anesthetics are applied, if cooling devices are used, and how long the session is. 

A lot of patients describe the feeling to be similar to a rubber band snapping on the skin, but most women find laser hair removal tolerable. 

Does Laser Hair Removal Remove Hair Permanently?

Laser hair removal is often described as a semi-permanent reduction of hair. While the procedure can significantly reduce the amount of hair in treated areas and greatly reduce the need to shave, it may not eliminate hair growth entirely for everyone permanently. Some people may need to do a yearly touch up of laser hair removal on certain areas of hair regrowth. 

The need to do laser hair removal touch ups once in a while after a series of laser hair removal treatments can depend on genetic factors, hormonal factors, and how the hair regrows.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

The duration of results from laser hair removal can vary among individuals, and factors such as hair color, skin type, and hormonal changes can influence the longevity of the effects. While laser hair removal is often described as providing a semi-permanent reduction in hair growth, the exact duration of the results can differ.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe for Women?

Laser hair removal is generally considered safe for women when performed by qualified and experienced laser technician using an appropriate laser device and protocols. However, like any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks and considerations.

What are the Popular Areas for Laser Hair Removal for Women?

Some of the more popular areas for laser hair removal for women include the bikini, underarms, upper lip and chin, legs, arms, and face. 

How Long is a Typical Laser Hair Removal Treatment for Women?

The duration of a laser hair removal session can vary depending on the size of the treatment area, the density of hair, and the specific technology or equipment used.

However, here are some typical guidelines for approximately how much time each laser hair removal session takes for each area:

Laser Hair Removal For Women Treatment Area

Treatment Time Duration


20 minutes


45 minutes


20 minutes

Lip and Chin

10 minutes


10 minutes

Bikini Area

20 minutes

Half Arms10 minutes
Half Legs25 minutes

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Typically Cost?

The cost of laser hair removal ranges from $99 to $300 depending on the size of the treatment area.

At Healthy Solutions Medspa, we offer discounts on packages and payment plans with Cherry or CareCredit. 

laser hair women

Why Do I Need 6 Treatments of Laser Hair Removal for Maximum Results?

The number of laser hair removal sessions needed for optimal results can vary among individuals and depends on factors such as hair color, skin type, and the specific area being treated. While six sessions are commonly recommended as a starting point, the exact number required may be more or less based on individual characteristics.

What are the Phases of the Hair Growth Cycle and Laser Hair Removal?

laser hair removal
The hair growth cycle consists of three main phases, and each hair follicle goes through these phases independently. The three phases of the hair growth cycle are:
  1. Anagen Phase (Active Growth):

    • This is the active phase of hair growth.
    • During the anagen phase, cells in the hair follicle divide rapidly, and the hair shaft is pushed up toward the surface of the skin.
    • The duration of the anagen phase varies depending on the body location. Scalp hair, for example, has a much longer anagen phase than body or facial hair.
  2. Catagen Phase (Transition):

    • The catagen phase is a transitional phase between the active growth and resting phases.
    • It is a relatively short phase that lasts for a few weeks.
    • During catagen, the hair follicle shrinks, and the hair shaft is separated from the dermal papilla (the structure that nourishes the hair).
  3. Telogen Phase (Resting):

    • The telogen phase is a resting phase during which the hair is not actively growing.
    • The hair follicle is at rest, and the old hair is eventually pushed out by a new hair during the next anagen phase.
    • A percentage of hair follicles are in the telogen phase at any given time.
    • The duration of the telogen phase is variable, and it can last several weeks to months.

Multiple laser hair removal sessions are often recommended to target a higher percentage of hair follicles during their active growth phases over time.

Can You See Results After 1 Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

It is possible to see some results after one laser hair removal treatment, but the extent of visible changes varies among individuals. After the initial session, individuals may notice hair reduction, delayed regrowth, and smoother skin. Individual responses to laser hair removal can vary, and some people may experience more noticeable results after the first session than others. But, even though individuals may see some improvement and reduction of hair growth after one session, a series of six treatments spaced at least four to six weeks apart are still recommended for best results. 

If you are looking for laser hair removal near me and you live near Doylestown, Warminster, Newtown or the surrounding cities of Bucks County, PA, schedule your appointment online here or call (267) 388-0300 to speak to our friendly team members.

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