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Tired of shaving so often, but not sure what the best way to get rid of unwanted hair is?
Look no further!
Healthy Solutions Medspa loves the laser hair removal treatment we offer. But what makes this the best solution?
What about waxing?
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure used to reduce or remove unwanted body hair used by both men and women.
It involves the use of concentrated light energy in the form of a laser to target and destroy hair follicles, which are responsible for hair growth.
During the procedure, the laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by melanin in the hair follicles. This process then generates heat, which damages the hair follicles and inhibits their ability to regrow hair in the future.
Within a few sessions, hair growth is very little.
Why is laser hair removal better than waxing?
Unlike waxing, laser hair removal provides a semi-permanent result, if not completely permanent. You may need a touch up here and there, but with laser hair removal, the root of the hair becomes destroyed.
Laser Hair Removal requires no downtime as well, which is a huge plus.
With waxing, you have to continuously go and get treated every few weeks, while with laser hair removal, you are treated about 4-6 weeks apart, a total of 6-8 times, and results are shown.
Waxing never fully gets rid of the hair and you will continue going for years and years!
What areas can you treat with laser hair removal?
At Healthy Solutions Medspa, we do laser hair removal treatments anywhere on the face, under arms, bikini, legs, arms, back, ears, chest, and feet.
AKA, the whole body…
The Average Price of Laser Hair Removal
When it comes to waxing, on average, to wax an area like bikini, legs, or chest, no doubt is this costing between $50-$150. The likelihood of you needing to return once monthly is very high, so your looking at an average of $600-$1800 in just a year, but this doesn’t ever end.
The average price of laser hair removal is more than a session of waxing, but that’s because results last longer and the need to shave everyday is greatly reduced only after a few sessions. For example, an under arm treatment may be $130, but you only will need about 6 sessions until the hair growth is diminished.
When Should I Begin Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
Laser Hair Removal is best when done in the fall because it is not safe to get treated with a sunburn or a tan. Read all about why fall is the best time here.
Am I A Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?
If you live in Doylestown, PA in Bucks County or the surrounding cities and looking for a reputable medspa that offers laser hair removal, let’s get you scheduled for a consultation! Book online here or give us a call at (267) 332-5567 to see if this would benefit you and your skin.