3D Eye Brow Microblading in Bucks County, PA.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a tattooing technique that can fill in sparse eye brows, reshape brows or create an entire brow using fine hair strokes performed with a hand held tool made out of a series of very fine needles that deposits pigment into the skin.

This “3D” microblading eye brow effect adds realism to the result, creating realistic looking eye brows rather than a solid traditional tattooed brow. This does not go as deep into the skin as regular tattooing which makes this a semi permanent eye brow service that can last up to 3 years (depending on skin type) yearly touch ups may be required.

Call (267) 332-5567 to set up your consultation or request an appointment below.

Before & After Microblading Eye Brows:

Healthy Solutions Medspa

Healthy Solutions Medspa

Healthy Solutions Medspa

*Healthy Solutions by Dr. Luciano makes no guaranties either expressed or implied. Individual results may vary.

What to expect after Microblading:

Initially the color will appear much more vibrant or darker compared to the end result.

Usually within 7 days the color will fade 40-50%, soften and look more natural.

The pigment is semi-permanent and will fade over time and will likely need to be touched-up within 9 months to 2 years depending on your skin type.

Does Microblading hurt and how will I look right after treatment?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. Some people do not feel any pain but some do. We offer numbing cream to make your treatment comfortable.

Post microblading treatment, you may experience mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light bruising and dry tightness. Ice packs are nice relief for swelling and bruising.
Your eye brows may look darker  and slightly uneven in appearance which is normal. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. If it is too dark or still a bit uneven after 4 weeks, then we will make adjustments during the follow up/touch up appointment.

Who Does The Microblading Treatment?

Myya, our Certified Microblading specialist has been in the beauty and wellness industry for more than 20 years. A make up artist and waxing specialist she has had the opportunity to work her craft in many capacities including the salon/spa industry, NY Fashion Week, editorial work, weddings and special events. Myya received her Microblading certification with the amazing Kelly Haney and loves to transform her client’s eye brows.

Pre-Microblading Appointment Considerations:

  • No pain relievers/blood thinners/fish oil 72 hours prior to your appointment
  • No caffeine and alcohol before your microblading session.
  • Come with clean hair, you cannot wash it for a few days.