What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure that uses a scalpel to remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz.

This technique is safely performed using a specialized surgical instrument and disposable blades designed specifically for dermaplaning.

Once the skin is properly prepped, the technician holds the skin taut and gently scrapes the skin with the blade held at a 45 degree angle.

Is Dermaplaning safe?

Dermaplaning is extremely safe when performed by a professionally trained aesthetician utilizing DermaplanePro tools and techniques.

Once the vellus hair is removed will it grow back thicker?

No, this is physiologically impossible. The soft, fine vellus hair will grow back slowly – usually in about 4 weeks.

(There are two types of hair that grow on our bodies: Vellus hair is the thin, fine, soft hair that typically covers the entire body.

Terminal hair is the course hair that grows on the head, face in men, underarms, legs and pubic areas.)

Dermaplaning, waxing, tweezing or any other depilatory form of hair removal cannot alter the type of hair grown in any given area.

Can Dermaplaning cause the skin to bleed?

Yes, excessive scraping, nicks and cuts can cause bleeding.

That is why it is very important to have professional training using the correct tools and have hands-on practice before performing this treatment on clients.

If you are a client, please click on our Find A Provider page to find a qualified practitioner in your area.

What areas can be treated?

Dermaplaning is performed on the face, under the chin and sides of the neck.

Dermaplaning should not be done on the eyelids or chest.

How often can Dermaplaning be performed?

Dermaplaning can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks.

Can Dermaplaning be performed with a chemical peel or a Hydrafacial MD?

Yes. Dermaplaning is an excellent way to prepare the skin for these treatments.

Does the skin actually peel from Dermaplaning?

No. When dermaplaning is performed as a prep for a chemical peel the visible exfoliation that the client sees will be as a result of the peel used in the treatment.

Who can be treated?

All skin types can benefit from dermaplaning.

Darker skin tones actually have more layers of skin, so with aging, the skin tends to sag rather than wrinkle.

Dermaplaning removes these extra layers of skin, helps correct pigmentation concerns and provides a more youthful and healthier glow.


Who cannot be treated?

Clients with active acne outbreaks or cold sores should not be treated until lesions are healed.

Dermaplaning is great for diminishing acne scars but should not be performed during active outbreaks.

Clients with bleeding disorders or difficulty clotting should not be treated.

Clients with diabetes not under control by diet or medication should not be treated.

Clients undergoing cancer treatment should also not be treated.

Is there any downtime after Dermaplaning?

No, that’s one of the benefits.

The skin instantly has a healthier glow and feels amazingly soft, plus makeup glides on effortlessly for a flawless finish.

This is a must have procedure before an important social event or television appearance.

How much is the Dermaplaning treatment?

$165 on its own.

$50 as an add on to a Hydrafacial MD treatment.